Frankly, I've said this many times, it's too easy to do a smear campaign on someone. In Hollywood, and even indie filmmaking for documentaries things have to be well-researched, and proofed through a lawyer before things are set and done.
I have spoken deeply on this topic, and feel compelled to write a short piece about a terrible incident in my life. As I have spoken about extensively, a cult bearing my name since I was a teenager, has been on one mission: to destroy me. The police have no idea why, my family has no idea why but it's a complete campaign for destruction.
Utilizing the platforms, YouTube, Discord, Twitter, Instagram, and any other medium possible this cult has infiltrated media to spread false and deceptive stories about me, and my family.
They claim to be victims of my family, despite being in our lives, since I was a teenager. Before you read this article, I want to make a clear my family, and I are not related to these people, and have had no contact with them, except having legal recourse through the cops to see criminal consequences.
*SINCE THIS ARTICLE I have filed a police report on this corporation owner for fear of safety, and being stalked by this corporation owner; and deepfake explicit photos were discussed on this corporation owners Discord which were of interest to the NYPD to investigate. See the following:
The Fake Story of the Summer
In March 2024, under the guidance of the police, I exerted my amendment right to prosecute the piracy of my copyright works through YouTube's legal system.
Within a few hours, my privacy was breached, through emails being plastered on Twitter, and the plotting of the cult began.
Within the emails sent to inform the company owning this channel "Primink" that they violate my rights, considering they have pirated content (I provided a picture of my copyright papers to him) which shows the rights holder being Lillee Jean. I also CC'd the detectives on the emails to protect myself as I consider this company a threat to my life.
A huge issue why I believe the story spread, is false information and misinformed consumers. To file a copyright is a very serious act, and only has to be dealt with with companies and real legal names. This information was private until this YouTuber (corporation in Michigan) breached my own privacy by publishing the emails that were between him the police, and YouTube.
Starting in April 2024, the campaign began by him and the cult. Claiming he was being stalked, and harassed, pirating so brazenly my copyright, this person amassed huge amounts of people with criminal threatening actions towards me.
What people don't realize is they were fed a lie.
Not only were the emails cut off within Kyle Keane LLC's video, but a specific narrative was run. Aspects such as not showing the police cc, or even investigating and verifying there are police involved, which transparently shown to YouTube. He knowingly was deceptive and had every goal of trying to ruin my reputation and cause criminal harm to me and my family. In the video, antisemitism is present making fun of my friend, Rabbi Yitzi Weiner. This unethical company calls him a "hotdog" with a photo, mocking his last name - in the same breath as accusing me of purchasing articles. These false statements cause a very dangerous environment, especially with the Free Palestine movement. In fact, I received credible threats of racially motivated criminal actions, thanks to this unethical company.
Because his fanbase contains children, they do not realize a copyright is a legal work - you need a real name, a real address, and a real company if applicable to begin the first steps of legal action. This company knowingly spun copyright into himself being doxxing and harassed. In other words, he stole what he's done to me with the Lillee Jean Clone Cult. In fact, if you read the real email sample below, he verbatim steals what I wrote as his own story deceiving viewers.
My Silence
I remained silent because I thought like any drama it was not a good idea to respond, as it only flames a fire. However, this cult after me since I was a teenager, took my silence and weaponized against me to become victims. In fact, they created two websites, one bearing the name of an email address "PRIMINK" set up for people to DM him tips, which doxxes and further harasses my family. lilleejeanisreallymean and projectfu . org are the domains. Personal documents are stored on these sites thanks to Kyle Keane LLC corporation's involvement. This is why I seek criminal action and consequences.
Now, every few weeks this YouTuber posts inflammatory videos, knowingly, lying to consumers for money, and personally, I believe a sadistic vendetta. His videos come with strong consequences of criminal actions towards me and my family, however. Straight along I have been documenting this, sending it to the detective, who "PRIMINK" was provided with, and I have filed additional reports due to the explicit deepfakes coming out on me - companies like this need to be held accountable. There is something underlying this person's motivation.
Children & Threats

During the last few weeks, which includes this YouTuber's discord server there have been terrible threats against me.
In fact, if you just search Jean or Lillee, you will see them nonstop discussing me in a negative and intentionally damaging light, which fans the fumes of hate and the criminal threats I'm credibly receiving. The police were given a link to this server since discussions of deepfakes of my body were made between kids, and several members of this cult. What people miss is, that this isn't just KYLE KEANE LLC., there are several corps and international enterprises involved.
The servers are filled with children of years of 12, even 16 and 17 talking to adults. One of these adults is of 60 years age, and, has been stalking me since I was a teenager. She heads the Lillee Jean Clone Cult, and she has had in-depth conversations with the children on this YouTuber's discord server (Pineapple Head, also known as CheeryMonkey in other servers), and they talk to her on private servers.
She even organized for this YouTuber to invade WIKITUBIA with him, to get my Wikitubia page deleted despite me in the past asking for the page to be deleted with their legal team as far back as 2021. The important part here is these are two adults, invading a server with children under 18 years of age who do not know better - they were manipulated.
The History Of The Stalking
As of 2020, this corporation created an intentionally defaming video on my family and I with stolen copyrighted materials. I own the copyright papers to the work "Lillee Jean 2019", and have not made profit off it. Instead this corporation has. The branding of the copyrighted work was tarnished and associated with words such as "fraud" and "scam" as well.
As of that video in 2020, this corporation has a Discord where every few days my family and I are mentioned for several years, in effect to create a violent environment, and, boost the stats of the intentionally defaming video. The corporation owner participated with the members, asking them to SUMMON me.
As of 2023 this person created a fake claim of being harassed via X, and claimed me filing legal copyright papers were harassing him. The police were on those emails, for fear of my safety. As an American citizen, I have every right to act on my copyright - this corporation however convinced a fanbase of children this isn't so. It's a pattern with this corporation, every few years the corporation picks a target that is "STALKING" him, despite this corporation, based on my visitor logs that led to the theft of property, doing this very act. He calls them publicly a cult. If they disobey him, he abuses them verbally on Discord. Many are children as seen above.
As of 2023 led people to believe he wasn't publishing because of me, and my family. Gave people intentional seeds of hate.
Starting 2024 in March, this corporation was stalking my various websites despite being blocked by IP, and state. This corporation kept trying to hack in. Went into my site with the intent to steal, with Scotland, Belgium, Maine, and other parts of the world, to form his campaign of the Spring-Summer 2024. This corporation garnered others to pilfer content and movies, to intentionally damage me once again.
In April 2024 (on my birthday) searches of kidnapping increased on my name, and this corporation's intentionally defaming video from 2020 started to circulate in the search on April 18, 2024 (my birthday).
In May 2024, this corporation published another intentionally defaming video with stolen IP of myself, and my family with false claims of being stalked. Private emails to YouTube on my behalf of copyright papers being submitted were published, with several parts pertinent, such as the cops on the emails, removed to tell a fabricated and damaging lie. This lie affected my way of life, and safety. This proves that the intentionally defaming video which caused a loss of opportunity and tarnished my branding further was a hitjob. It was published on the dark web, and spawned a coordinated attack of others to "end me" for months. Â (In the video he impersonates me in an email to YouTube with a fake document, and shows himself putting up a private forum with "Lillee Jean Address" in the title field).
Website domains following his email "TIP" line of lilleejean is really mean (a branding tactic to damage my branding) spawned that house PACER family documents, and private videos of my family. This became a witchhunt by the end of May.
As of May-June created a coup with WIKITUBIA (which is run by children on X) to form a lie about me, and publicly humiliate me for "stalking" this corporation owner. In this article you can see how he plotted with 17-year-olds how to take me down. No response was had on my part. I sent the information to the police. This was unprovoked.
As of June-August 2024, several other videos intentionally defaming my family, and utilizing clips of me as a child (some private clips) were utilized to form intentionally defaming statements of being stalked. The corporation, I filed a police report on for aggravated harassment, since as a result, I have received serious threats to my life, as did my mom.
As of August 2024, videos spawned from this corporation's hateful campaigns.
As of August 2024, this corporation's Discord server, created more damage to my financial status, and branding. A new police report was filed due to the DEEPFAKE explicit's that were mentioned in depth, on this corporation's Discord Server.
In September 2024 subpoenas went out.
January 2025, this corporation stole more content, movies, and private IP and created a video that subliminally and literally showed a headstone with my name, and my mother's name on it. The corporation showed my head decapitated (my acting headshot) on various bodies, as well as my mom's nose cut off to make her "Voldemort" with a slogan to brand her as well. The video has impacted the branding of my acting headshot, and created a hateful environment once again unprovoked. The corporation also is in illegal possession of my copyrighted logo, and mocked it in a way that tarnishes the branding, online.
As of January 8th, 2025 on this corporation's Discord Server, the owner encouraged people, and told them he'd SHOW THEM, how to hack into my website and steal, despite being blocked. Some are children.
As of January 8th, 2025 the person who wrote several defaming articles on my mother and I, and refused to speak to the detectives investigating the very person he protected, went on to unprofessionally mock my Queen Lillee branding, while acknowledging, publicly, and participating in the theft. Thus proving, the bias of all 10 articles.
As of January 10-11th 2025, my photos were stolen as a result of this corporation, and more lies were spread on this corporation's Discord Server. Each comment I get on YT are micromanaged by this corporation and overanalyzed to mock, make fun, and defame me further. To illustrate - out of 80 comments, 20-30 over the last few days are analyzed, and mocked. This created a toxic environment, despite me having no contact with this corporation owner, because his "fans" went on to leave hate.
As of January 12th, 2025, my film The Chorus in Our Eyes, which was unlisted on YT for Film Festivals, was embedded into this corporation's Discord server for children to mock and denigrate the film, with defamation such as fake awards from indie film festivals looming. This led to IMDB being vandalized, and rating bombed once again. The person who embedded it, is involved with discussing the deepfake explicit photos of me on that very server. It's an adult man from Belgium, in a server full of 12-year-olds, 13-year-olds, some 17 at oldest. Some watch "MOVIE NIGHT" with this adult in private parts of the server.
As of January 13, 2025, 12:00 AM my mom received a random call from Michigan. This company is in Michigan. The caller demanded to get on my website, and kept questioning "Is this the right number", despite nobody having this number except an agent or CD; my mom responded by saying "There is no phone number on the block page", and further, it's midnight - blowing this "ruse". The discussion due to the correlation of Michigan, and odd questions at midnight, as well as the IP registered on my visitor log, was fully recorded. The detectives were informed since they work the police report on this corporation (for agg harassment, stalking), and sent the phone number that called at midnight, as well as the recording. The suspicious late-night caller's phone number was traced to a former Federal prisoner with gun charges and drug charges. More than one person appeared on the phone, not just the main caller.
As of January 21, 2025 this corporation published a picture of a police department, with an ominous caption of "detectives" being involved. Immediately "fans" of this corporation began tweeting back with my name, alluding to it must be "LILLEE JEAN". Creating once again a hostile environment filled with lies, and deceit. UNPROVOKED.
The Dark Side
This YouTuber would take a victory lap that he got me a erased. In subsequent weeks explicit deep fake AI photos would be made of me which we discussed on his server.
When I thought about this article, I gave it a deep thought. I realized people need to know their children are not safe online. Content farms, with one facet being anonymous drama channels on YouTube (they earn revenue from VOX-style videos, and many are located in foreign countries with Western figureheads) don't just stay on YouTube. They go into Discord, Twitch, Rumble, Twitter, and other nooks & crannies for kids to discuss video topics. This increases engagement on said videos, and hence revenue.
If the screenshot collage above alarmed you, you'd be right on that feeling. It includes screenshots of minor children on the server of an adult man "PRIMINK" who calls it the "Cult 8.0." The server, by the company Kyle Keane LLC., has references to NSFW content, and romanticizing children in relationships. This man on YouTube has garnered over 10 million views on several hateful videos, with comments from children fangirling his "sweet" voice and his little "giggles" as he "meows" at them on voice chat on the server.
This Project Bullyish, opens up the discussion, that the online world affects our rights every day. It also brings awareness to the fact our children are being manipulated by, in the case of the above server, a 25-year-old man. A man who to date I have police reports on due to my safety being threatened.
I believe it has gotten quite out of hand. Despite having police reports on this man, he has people hashtagging to FREEPRIMINK, and insisting I apologize for "doxxing" and "harassing" him for 4 years...despite, him doing this to me. This is an abusive tactic by this Michigan corporation, and, needs to be held accountable. My life is not a game, and I am not a punching bag, as in his server they like to refer to me as.


I have several times brought up the point of why does he not file a police report, or seek some type of legal action. The truth is, that he is knowingly lying to consumers with his company's channel(s). He was not doxxed he is a public figure, and I have proof on my website that I provided to the police of him, harassing, breaching my privacy, and stalking me (a snippet above).
The problem is people think Youtube is "it". They need to realize, the people running these very channels:
Own companies. These are not private people(s).
Run in packs of groups that run the same content.
Under-research content - most is opinion, not fact.
Hire editors, and scriptwriters to guide their points to manipulate consumers.
Utilize the dark web to "farm" content for them. They're not journalists of good standing or investigative reporters - these are random people, who form companies, to create drama on platforms such as YouTube.
In one example, see how this unethically run American company, had my name floating around a dark website, once again, referencing they're there because of his company. This is why YouTube ignored this company's pleas to "erase" me from the platform. I never abused copyright - I had the police on EACH EMAIL sent to this YouTuber's corporation.

With lies spread thanks to this unethical American company such as being "sued by YouTube," having a lawsuit against his company, and as far as himself being harassed with cut-off and blurred screenshots of emails sent to his corporation to inform him of service made of pirating - action must be had. You can't keep having these YouTubers spreading these lies and having websites such as the above be interested - these threats to my life are thanks to him, and the cult he runs with. The snippets above are indexed in Google. Sites such as LOLCOW, Crystal Cafe, and Kiwifarms are all dark websites - they're variations of 8chan, 4chan, and sites on TOR.
This is intentional, vital damage to the brand of Lillee Jean, and above and beyond has yielded criminal actions.
A Time for Change
The abusive criminal language needs to stop, and there needs to be criminal consequences for someone like this. Despite my putting out a statement on my YouTube channel a little bit ago, it's only gotten worse.
The fact his server has only gotten more people plotting to vandalize my intellectual property, my physical property, and has people with "Pineapple Head" and "Silly Bean" talking with mainly children to plot to attack me.
From July 2024, to January 1, 2025, several harassing journalists stemming from this corporation's deliberate hit-job, have equally cried wolf claiming they were doxxed in private communications with the police CC'd. They published the private emails. See how this runs?
One, the son of a New York judge, one an extremely wealthy newspaper owner, and together two loads of under-researched, pirating, hit jobbed depreciation of true journalism. My emails were published with parts referring to the cops intentionally removed (see below what they intentionally removed), my website as a child was exploited in over 10 articles this paper wrote since the Summer 2024 (or included me knowingly lying about me), and the acts of r*** threats toward me in 2017 were undermined and as though history was rewritten purposefully, despite these people knowing Project: Bullyish exists with the original screenshots of r*** threats.
The owner, Mr. White, with writers in Brooklyn (NYC), Astoria (NYC), Texas, and California, is responsible for these actions of flaming Kyle Keane LLC's hate campaign toward me. This person has connections to huge journalistic places, and his company FRAGMNT Media needs to be held accountable for the damages to my well-being and brand from their deliberate lies in coordination with Kyle Keane LLC. Words such as "FAUX fluencer" with my face plastered are published to date with clear intent to harm branding, well-being, and not to mention stealing copyrighted works. They refused to speak to the detectives working the cases involving deepfakes on me, and stalking, by writing new goalposts for profit i.e "We were doxxed, oh no!". This intentional lie caused more damage when Kyle Keane LLC. shared it through social media.
As of December 31, 2024, their head journalist once again knowingly falsely wrote about Kyle Keane LLC. in coordination with me, while stealing my copyright. THE LILLEE JEAN CLONE CULT.
With this post, I want people to be aware I am seeking criminal action against this person and will be updating this. My life has been threatened, and people need to be aware of this journaling. I have had no contact with this man, other than through email communication to pursue my copyright being protected, and on all emails have had the police cc'd due to me knowing he would try to attack me. To date, I have no videos, or in-depth statements made on this man. He must be investigated.
Below see samples of actual threats from this company, FRAGMNT, blackmail from one of the publishers, and taunting. Not once did they ask to speak to the cops, or DA. Within weeks SO MANY damaging stories would come out from these deliberate attacks.
For example even in 2023 he harassed me unbeknownst to most people:
Lillee Jean