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  • Writer's pictureLillee Jean

Lillee Jean Files New Police Report on Harassment & Deepfakes August 2024

Actress LILLEE JEAN has filed more police reports against the "Lillee Jean Clone Cult" members. They have been stalking her family since she was 15 1/2. Now, on August 25, 2024, Jean filed additional reports due to the nonconsensual explicit deepfakes of her body between YouTuber's Discord servers, and black websites.

Lillee Jean, a 23-year-old up-and-coming actress and filmmaker from New York, and the founder of Bullyish, has filed new police reports against the "Lillee Jean Clone Cult," which has been stalking her family since she was 15 1/2.

On August 25, 2024, and August 31, 2024, she filed more reports to add to the original investigation. Below is her report from August 25, 2024, with her August 31 report additionally added and written up.

The "Lillee Jean Clone Cult" has been spreading nonconsensual deepfake AI lewd images of Lillee Jean across the internet. It's important to acknowledge that these artificial intelligence-generated images are not authentic, and we must address this matter.

In Discord servers, lewd images, and talks about private channels on me are being passed around in the servers of "Primink", and more. These photos were also posted onto Twitter to humilate me. In the below photos of Kyle Keane LLC.'s Discord server, you will see children being mingled with people as old as 60, directing them on how to vandalize my IMDB, and hurt my family. These are literally 12-17 year olds in private chats with adults, with lewd photos of me passed discussed, and passed around. It is criminal. That is why I have had a report on this man for a while now, and it is being investigated. What people don't realize is this is a huge syndicate, and they literally call themselves a cult named after me. This was a coordinated attack on me by the cult, and their actions are criminal. The threats I've recieved are terrifying. They hide behind lies of being doxxed, and harassed like all criminals to "clean up" their own mess. The problem for them is, I've been documenting this with the cops straight along. They're the ones with all the harassing videos on my family, the darkweb mirror sites with deepfakes, the sites doxxing my family - not the other way around. They came into MY LIFE one day, and never left. Now, it's time for them to leave with criminal consequences. - Lillee Jean

The Searches in March 2024

Since March 2024, search results including "Lillee Jean Kidnapping", and "Lillee Jean nudes" have been searched on Bing and Google between April 18, 2024, Lillee Jean's birthday, and now August, 2024.

Identified blocked users such as Kyle Keane LLC, along with others belonging to the "Lillee Jean Clone Cult" have been underground harassing, violating, and threatening, Lillee Jean and her family for months and years on end.

This is why a police investigation is being had, and Jean has remained silent.

For months, the corporation has been attempting to breach my website as part of a plan with the rest of the cult to harm me. Since some threats are anonymous - it has been thought that some of them are from him.

Hiding behind claims of "being doxxed" and "stalked" for views, these "creators", are the very people violating, hurting, and exploiting Lillee Jean. They're not creators, they're business owners, with public companies, that underground are doing dangerous schemes. The excessive YouTube campaigns against Jean and her family by these "Lillee Jean Jean Clone Cult" members have only gotten worse. They're deceiving viewers, who are mainly children.

It is criminal, the AI deepfake photos of Jean, and, the constant aggravated harassment against her.

At the age of 15, these individuals invaded a part of Jean's life and have remained a venomous and dangerous presence ever since.

Each of the people she filed on have coinciding public companies and are profiting off a fake story of being "stalked" themselves, to make money off Jean's name, despite themselves doxxing, stalking, and harassing her family for years.


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